Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Goodbye July

Hi family,

It's been a crazy day, so this might be short. We moved houses all day!!! We are still 6 elders, but now in a smaller 2 bedroom apartment with only one bathroom.

This past week went quickly. We had a baptism last Monday night for R, an investigator of 2 or 3 years.
The rest of the week we were running around doing lessons, the usual stuff.
Friday we had our first zone conference (and last for me) with President Fox. It is sooo different! He's way laid back and told us our sole objective is to have joy. And to bring the joy to others. He didn't mention numbers once. It's super different. Not bad, but different. President Fox is a really nice guy. He's open and approachable. He gave me a fist bump at the zone conference and came and played basketball with us this morning at 6 am.

Friday night was the kick off of the stake's Heiva activity. Heiva is a huge cultural celebration every year here in French Polynesia. Each ward had a bunch of dances on Friday night.
All day Saturday there were activities down by the beach with the stake. They had canoe races, coconut cutting/bagging (it's called coprah), fruit carrying races (porter du fruit), stone lifting contests, etc. Polynesian stuff. It was super fun. The day was topped off with ma'a Tahiti (traditional tahitian meal). My favorite.
Sunday we had church, then a few lessons, then the last event for the Heiva. It was a fireside where each ward sang some hymns or Tahitian songs. Our ward went last, I played the piano for them. It was fun to participate in the heiva!

Today we moved all day, like I said. We haven't gone shopping or finished unloading our stuff in the new house. But hey, almost there!

Have a good week! Lots of love,

Elder Barlow

Oh PS before I forget Friday night I ran into S, a convert from Papeete with Elder P. He told me that his cousin, R (another convert from Papeete that Elder P and I taught and baptized) just left this week to the MTC in New Zealand. She's going on a mission to Australia! I had no idea, but I am so pumped to hear that good news! Blessings.

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